Last Man Standing: Killbook of a Bounty Hunter

Last Man Standing: Killbook of a Bounty Hunter is a graphic novel series by Daniel LuVisi. The series, set 600 years in the future, and tells the story of Gabriel, the last living Paladin soldier.


Graphic Novel Release

The first volume in the series was published on 29 September 2010 in both hardcover and softcover variants. It introduces the main character and his allies and enemies, setting the scene for a plot projected to develop over at least two further books. The next volume in the series, titled LMS: Once Upon A Time In America, currently has no release date.


Last Man Standing: Killbook of a Bounty Hunter tells the story of Gabriel, genetically engineered soldier, he is a warrior of supernatural strength, anointed as the guardian of Amerika and its people. Admired and celebrated by most, Gabe’s world takes a sudden turn when he finds himself framed by the terrorist group Pandemonium, for a series of atrocious crimes he had no part in. For these alleged crimes, Gabriel is sent to the treacherous Level-9 Prison Facility and incarcerated with the very scum he helped put away. After nine years of torture and agony, the once famed hero kills his captors and escapes the 9 levels of hell he has been condemned to. From here on forward, Gabriel embarks on a journey into the heart of darkness; the New Amerika, a world filled with colorful and deadly characters that will either help or try to eliminate him – neither of which attitude is always transparent. As the once invincible hero digs deep to unravel the true reason behind his framing, he also discovers a problem he never had to face before: He’s dying; and quickly.


At San Diego Comic Con 2010, Paramount acquired the film rights for the series.[1]



HEIGHT: 6′ 2

SKILLS: Armtech soldier / Angel of Death / Bounty Hunter

Background: Out of the original 10 paladin soldiers, Gabriel is the last of his kind. A war hero in Amerika and beyond planet earth, Gabriel, or as the world calls him, The Paladin, has let it be known he is an unstoppable force. built to be just that, Gabriel was one of the first created by Armtech under The Paladin Program. After WWXIII was announced, Gabriel, and the other nine paladins were put to the test, and sent to mars to fight for earth.

Coming back home with enough enemy kills to make the other soldiers weep, Gabriel put truth to the term ‘One Man Army’. After the war, Gabriel assumed the title Protector of Amerika. With this new badge of honor, Gabriel was given the task to protect The United States of Armtech from any evil force. Whether they were gangs, the mob, drug dealers or terrorists, gabriel put hundreds of thousands of evildoers away into the notorious level-9 facility.

Turning the country into a Utopia, gabriel has grand its people a new way of living. As long as their hero watches from above, they will no longer walk in fear.

STR: 99 DEX: 99 ENDURANCE: 99 HP: 99


AGE: 43
HEIGHT: 5′ 11

SKILLS: Clear Mind / Thousand Fists / Verse of a God

Background: A rags to riches tale, Abel was one of the most successful rap artists the world had ever known. But, like many, once reaching the top he quickly discovered that an endless suppy of money and hoes were not enough and, after one last album, disappeard from the public eye for twenty years …

Now he’s back. And not only do his words destroy, but his fist will shake the earth.



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